Go Digital in Baden-Württemberg

What is "Go Digital" in Baden-Württemberg and what are the goals of the program?  

"Go Digital" is a funding program of the state of Baden-Württemberg and the Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Energy, which supports small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) in digitization.

The objectives of the program are:

• Promotion of the digitization of SMEs in Baden-Württemberg.

• Supporting companies in the introduction and application of digital technologies and processes.

• Increasing the competitiveness of SMEs through the use of digital solutions.

• Creation of jobs through the promotion of innovations and technologies in the field of digitization.

• The program provides advice and financial support to SMEs in various.

• Areas of digitization such as e-commerce, IT security, process optimization and digital business models. The consulting services are provided by certified consulting companies recognized by "Go Digital".

Who can take part in the Go Digital program in Baden-Württemberg and what requirements must be met?

Small and medium-sized companies (SMEs) based or with a permanent establishment in Baden-Württemberg can take part in the "Go Digital" program. The most important requirements are:

1. The company must have fewer than 100 employees.

2. The annual turnover must not exceed 20 million euros.

3. The company must have been in the market for at least one year.

4. The project must not have started yet.

5. The company must not have received de minimis aid totaling more than EUR 200,000 in the last two years.

In addition, the planned digitization measures must be in one of the three funding areas of the program:

1. Digital market development (e.g., e-commerce, online marketing)

2. IT security (e.g., data backup, data protection, IT security audit)

3. Digital business processes (e.g., digitization of business processes, automation, process optimization).

The exact requirements and conditions can be found on the website of the program.

How does the consultation process work as part of "Go Digital" in Baden-Württemberg?

The advisory process within the framework of "Go Digital" in Baden-Württemberg takes place in several steps, as described on the official website of the program:

• Application: The company applies for advice and funding via the "Go Digital" online portal. It must provide information about the company and the planned digitization measures.

• Selection of a consulting company: After examining the application, "Go Digital" suggests up to three certified consulting companies from which the company can select a suitable one.

• Initial meeting: The consulting company conducts a free initial meeting with the company to determine the need for digitization measures and to identify possible solutions.

• Creation of the consulting report: Based on the initial meeting, the consulting company creates an individual consulting report

Recommendations for action and implementation proposals. This report forms the basis for possible funding.

• Application for funding: If the company wants to implement the recommendations for action from the advisory report, it can apply for funding. The planned measures must be described in detail and a cost and timetable must be submitted.

• Approval of funding: "Go Digital" examines the application for funding and decides on approval. If approved, the program covers up to 50% of the consulting costs and up to EUR 16,500 of the implementation costs. The company must finance the remaining amount itself.

• Implementation of the measures: The company implements the recommended measures and submits the corresponding documents to "Go Digital". After the receipts have been checked, the grant will be paid out.

How long does the funding process as part of "Go Digital" in Baden-Württemberg last and what steps must be taken to receive funding?

The funding process as part of "Go Digital" in Baden-Württemberg consists of several steps and can take different amounts of time depending on the duration of the individual steps. In general, however, you should expect it to last from a few weeks to a few months.

In order to receive a grant, the following steps must be taken:  

Application: The company applies for advice and funding via the "Go Digital" online portal. It must provide information about the company and the planned digitization measures. Selection of a consulting company: After examining the application, "Go Digital" suggests up to three certified consulting companies from which the company can choose a suitable one.

Initial meeting: The consulting company conducts a free initial meeting with the company to determine the need for digitization measures and to identify possible solutions.

Creation of the consultation report: This is created on the basis of the initial consultation

consulting company with an individual consulting report

Recommendations for action and implementation proposals. This report forms the basis for possible funding.

Application for funding: If the company wants to implement the recommendations for action from the advisory report, it can apply for funding. The planned measures must be described in detail and a cost and timetable must be submitted.

Approval of funding: "Go Digital" examines the application for funding and decides on approval. If approved, the program covers up to 50% of the consulting costs and up to EUR 16,500 of the implementation costs. The company must finance the remaining amount itself.

Implementation of the measures: The company implements the recommended measures and submits the corresponding documents to "Go Digital". After the receipts have been checked, the grant will be paid out.

However, it should be noted that the duration of the procedure depends on various factors, such as the workload of the consulting firm or the processing time for "Go Digital".

What other programs are there to promote digitization in Baden-Württemberg and how do they differ from "Go Digital"?

In addition to the "Go Digital" program, there are other funding programs in Baden-Württemberg for the digitization of companies. Some examples are:

Digitization premium plus: The digitization premium plus is a support program of the

State of Baden-Württemberg, the small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) at the

Digitization supported. Companies can receive funding of up to 50,000 euros for their digitization projects. In contrast to "Go Digital", however, companies have to raise more equity for their projects.

Digital bonus: The digital bonus supports small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) with up to 30,000 euros in the digitization of business processes. The bonus can be used for investments in hardware and software, IT security and the introduction of e-commerce solutions.

Innovation voucher digitization: The innovation voucher promotes digitization

Companies with a turnover of up to 50 million euros with up to 15,000 euros for the implementation of digitization projects. The aim is to increase the competitiveness of companies and to use the opportunities of digitization.

Broadband funding: Broadband funding supports the expansion of broadband

Infrastructures in Baden-Württemberg. The aim is to provide high-speed Internet across the board to enable companies and private individuals to have a modern communication and working environment.

The programs differ in their target groups, funding levels and funding

Measures. During "Go Digital" mainly small and medium-sized companies

Funding advice and implementation of digitization measures, other programs also promote investments in hardware and software or the expansion of broadband infrastructures.

What is the difference between applying for Go Digital in Baden-Württemberg and other federal states in Germany?

The application for the "Go Digital" program in Baden-Württemberg does not differ significantly from the application in other federal states in Germany. The basic requirements and steps for applying for funding are uniformly regulated nationwide.

Basically, it should be noted that the "Go Digital" program is an initiative of the

Federal Ministry of Economics is in cooperation with the respective

state governments are implemented. In this respect, the framework conditions and the amount of funding can vary from state to state.

Here are some other important details about the "Go Digital" initiative in Baden-Württemberg, Germany?

Here are some other important details about the "Go Digital" initiative in Baden-Württemberg, Germany:

The "Go Digital" program is coordinated in Baden-Württemberg by the Baden-Württemberg Ministry for Economic Affairs, Labor and Housing.

The aim of the initiative is to support small and medium-sized companies in their digital transformation and to help them increase their competitiveness.

The program comprises three modules: "Digitized Business Processes", "Digital Market Development" and "IT Security". Companies can apply for one or more modules.

The consulting services are provided by authorized consulting companies. The consulting firms are selected by the Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Energy.

The funding includes up to 50% of the consulting costs, up to a maximum of 16,500 euros. The funding is granted as a grant and does not have to be repaid.

The application is submitted online via the "easy-Online" portal of the KfW banking group. Businesses must meet certain requirements to be eligible. For example, they may not employ more than 100 people and must have their registered office or a permanent establishment in Germany.

Companies can also apply in cooperation with other companies or as part of a network. In this case, the companies involved must jointly meet the eligibility criteria.

What documents are required for submission and can applications for the "Go Digital" program in Baden-Württemberg be rejected?

The following documents are required to submit an application for the "Go Digital" program in Baden-Württemberg:

• A completed application, which you can find on the website of the state government of Baden-Württemberg.

• A short description of your company and your planned digitization project.

• A statement of costs for the planned project.

• A financing plan showing how the project is to be financed.

• A timetable for the implementation of the project.

• Additional documents may be required depending on the type of project and industry.

It is possible that an application for the "Go Digital" program in Baden-

Württemberg will be rejected if the application is incomplete or does not meet the requirements

meets requirements. Even if the digitization project does not

meets the eligibility requirements, the application may be rejected. In addition, a rejection can occur if the available budget has been exhausted or the project is already being funded by other programs.

Information about the financier "Go Digital" in Baden-Württemberg?

There are various sponsors in Baden-Württemberg who offer different funding programs depending on the type of project and the industry. Here are some of the top funders in Baden-Württemberg:

• State government of Baden-Württemberg: The state government of Baden-Württemberg offers a variety of funding programs for companies,

research institutions, cultural institutions and other institutions.

These include the "Go Digital" program, which

"Digitization program Economy 4.0", the "Innovation program of the state" and the "Start-up BW start-up program".

• L-Bank: The L-Bank is the promotional bank of the state of Baden-Württemberg and offers a variety of promotional programs aimed at companies, founders, municipalities and private individuals. These include subsidy programs for the establishment and expansion of companies, for investments in environmental protection and for the renovation of buildings.

• Bürgschaftsbank Baden-Württemberg: The Bürgschaftsbank Baden-Württemberg offers sureties and guarantees for loans in order to support companies in financing investments and working capital.

• Investment Bank of the State of Baden-Württemberg (ILB): The ILB offers support programs for investments in the areas of business, energy and the environment, which are aimed at companies and municipalities. These include subsidy programs for the modernization of production facilities, for the use of renewable energies and for the energetic refurbishment of buildings.

These funding programs are coordinated and implemented by various institutions and organizations in Baden-Württemberg, such as Steinbeis 2i GmbH, the L-Bank or the Baden-Württemberg Economic Development Agency.







Go Digital in Baden-Württemberg
DastN GmbH, Riham Hassen May 11, 2023
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